Journalist — Copywriter — Editor 

I am an award-winning journalist, experienced copywriter and adept editor with the skills to tell your story.

Let me tell your story


I am an award-winning journalist with hundreds of articles in nearly 50 publications, including the San Jose Mercury News, U.S. News & World Report, Los Angeles Daily News, and the Santa Cruz Sentinel.


I love to switch on the other side of my brain and dissect prose — word by word — sentence by sentence and piece by piece. Ask me about my editing services, if you need a fresh perspective on your work.


With over a decade of experience composing copy, from advertorials to business and individual profiles, I know how to recognize and accentuate the heart of a person, product, business or brand.

My story

I have always been known as a writer and a storyteller.

Even before I knew the alphabet, I invented a nonsensical script and produced numerous notes only I could translate.

In school, I was known for recounting my weekend adventures to a rapt audience at the lunch table, which may have led me to seek interesting situations just for the sake of a good story.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

After devising the plot of a novel while working a customer service gig during college, I changed my major from pre-law to English with a creative nonfiction focus. 

When I graduated, I went west as young men do. 

While finishing the novel, I worked as a cook in Yosemite National Park. In the offseasons, I accumulated writing internships and later paying gigs along California’s Central Coast.

Now I reside in Santa Cruz where I freelance as a copywriter and journalist and serve as an award-winning reporter for the Santa Cruz Sentinel. 

I still might publish that book someday. Ask me about it.

Pass me a note
